With your donation you support our work with women and children affected by violence. Every donation helps us.
Donations to support children
These contributions are used to finance special support measures for children. You can also donate specifically to one of the following projects:
- Courage is good: A group offer to strengthen self-confidence and the ability to deal with conflict
- Children learn to learn: Individual support and homework guidance
- Children’s leisure activities: On “adventure days”, in our football camp, and in holiday programs the children can experience sports, fun and games within our community.
Donations to empower women
These donations are used exclusively for women. The following projects are also made possible by this money. You can also make a specific donation to one of these projects.
- I am I, strong for the future: The women’s self-esteem is strengthened through individual and group work. Among other initiatives, this can involve application training, courses on housekeeping or similar activities.
- German lessons for women with little knowledge of the German language.
Individual help:
These donations benefit women and children in times of acute need.
Current donations:
We would like to express our sincere thanks to Mr. Klein-Langenhoff – Die Continentale, for his generous donation for the project “I am me, strong for the future”. We are very happy that you are committed to our work and continue to keep the project alive.
How you can support us
You can dedicate your donation to one of the following general purposes or to a specific project. Please state the relevant keyword on your transfer form.
Donation account
Help for women in need – Frauenhaus Bonn e.V. Sparkasse KölnBonn IBAN: DE09 3705 0198 0000 0920 15 BIC: COLSDE33
Paypal If you have any questions, you can call us at any time: